Improving conditions for animals
Throughout Egypt, alongside the pyramids and temples, the streets are lined with carriage horses waiting to take tourists to their next destination. While it can be a unique way to travel it is always worth remembering when you choose to take a carriage horse or a ride on a camel you are saying that the way that animal is being kept is okay. These horses and other animals used are often worked relentlessly and may suffer malnutrition, exhaustion and beating. They also may not receive the veterinary treatment they need. We work in Luxor to help reduce this but we can’t make people bring their animals to us. You have the ability to make a positive influence on the care of animals.
If you choose to hire a carriage horse or take a camel ride while away please remember these simple rules…
Always remember it is your choice which carriage or animal you ride. Don’t be bullied and make sure it has a licence plate (for carriage drivers)
Do not accept any excuse for thin, lame or obviously badly kept animals - there is no acceptable excuse
Do not overload a carriage – a maximum of 3 people and one adult driver
Walk and trot only. Going any faster will not only damage the animal’s legs, but can also cause them to slip over, often resulting in serious injury to both the animal and the passengers
Do not let the driver use his whip as there is no need and it will hurt the animal
Never take a carriage from the east bank to the west bank. This is a 60km round trip journey and horses have been known to die from exhaustion after this trip
Choose an animal standing in the shade and always make your driver wait for you in the shade. Avoid midday sun as animals can, and do, suffer from sunstroke
Always agree a price before your trip, including currency